to compare crowdfunding sites: 5 key services to look for
If you’re wondering, “How does crowdfunding work?” the concept is fairly simple: Someone starts an online fundraiser to meet a financial need, and then their network of friends and family members donate to their cause.
From there, the organizer withdraws the donations and is sent to their bank account. Below, we list the most important services to watch for in any online fundraising site.
Ease of use
Before you start a fundraiser, navigate through the crowdfunding platform site. The best crowdfunding sites make you want to spend time on their pages, learn more, and get involved. If a crowdfunding site requires a complex process to begin, choose a different one.
Customer support
Does the site offer email support, live chat, or a phone helpline? Remember that your friends and family members will be donating money, and they might need help, too. The company must demonstrate honesty, responsibility, and availability while always prioritizing customer satisfaction.
Tools for spreading awareness in your community
Take a look at the social networking tools the crowdfunding site offers. The best crowdfunding websites have easy-to-use tools that make it easy to share your fundraiser on social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, email, and more. Since your social network is a vital piece of your crowdfunding fundraiser’s effort to reach your audience, features like these are essential.
Crowdfunding fees comparison
A platform fee is when a crowdfunding site takes a percentage of all the money you raise through your fundraiser. Typically, crowdfunding platform fees range from 5% to 12%. Look out for punitive fee structures. Some platforms increase fees if you don’t meet your goal. Others have an all-or-nothing model, meaning you only receive the money based on whether or not you meet or exceed your goal.
Brand recognition and trust
It’s crucial to consider the reputation of a crowdfunding website before using it. A well-known company is more likely to inspire trust and loyalty from users. Its familiarity breeds confidence in the product or service. Moreover, a positive brand image indicates a company’s honesty and other desirable traits.
Consider these five key factors as you review the top crowdfunding sites in each category.
Crowdfunding for education
1. DonorsChoose
This nonprofit crowdfunding platform makes it easy to raise money for any classroom in need of funds online. Public school teachers across the US use the site to create classroom project requests.
Fees: Third-party payment processing charges of 1.5% represent the weighted average of fees across all payment methods used by donors. Credit card or PayPal donations include a fee of about 2.5%. The site charges no platform fee, as operating expenses are covered by voluntary donations to the nonprofit.
2. GiveCampus
GiveCampus partners with colleges to help students, alumni, parents, and faculty launch fundraisers for school-related projects. Funds raised go directly to the school itself. They also offer a volunteer management system.
Fees: Schools can opt-in for a monthly subscription to use GiveCampus. Schools can contact GiveCampus for a quote.
3. Piggybackr
Piggybackr provides a school fundraising platform where parents and students can raise money (as a team or individually) for school projects. Piggybackr gives students points and badges for their fundraising efforts.
Fees: Platform fee of 4%, along with 2.9% $0.30 per transaction for payment processing.
Crowdfunding sites for individuals and crowdfunding sites for nonprofits
4. GoFundMe
GoFundMe is a trusted, well-known social fundraising platform for individuals, teams, and nonprofits with a giving community of more than 100 million worldwide. It is one of the best crowdfunding sites for personal fundraising. More than $15 billion has been raised, and GoFundMe offers the first and only donor protection guarantee: the GoFundMe Giving Guarantee. Additionally, GoFundMe has a customer care team that offers customer service every step of the way. Check out how it works in the video below and read honest GoFundMe reviews.
Fees: In the US, there is no fee to start or manage your fundraiser. A transaction fee of 2.9% $0.30 is automatically deducted from each donation. Learn more about GoFundMe’s pricing.
5. FundRazr
This platform helps individuals, nonprofits, and companies to crowdfund for causes they care about. They offer both keep-it-all fundraisers or all-or-nothing fundraisers, meaning you don’t get access to your funds until you’ve reached your goal.
Fees: Individuals can choose a fundraising model with no platform fee for organizers (supporters are asked for optional tips). Organizations can choose from a “Standard” or “Pro” model. The “Standard” model has a 5% platform fee plus a payment processing fee. The “Pro” model has a flexible platform fee and payment processing fee.
6. Fundly
With Fundly, either individuals or nonprofits can create digital fundraisers for a wide range of causes, including fraternities and sororities, military, and politics.
Fees: Fundly has no platform fee, only a payment processing fee of 2.9% plus 30 cents. The credit card processing fee varies for Stripe and international fundraisers.
7. Classy
Classy is an online fundraising site that is designed for nonprofits and social enterprises. The site comes with a fundraiser reporting tool to help track fundraising progress. Another site feature helps teams organize virtual events, including ticketing and event registration.
Fees: The platform doesn’t disclose pricing for their plans (you can contact the site for a quote), but there are fees for using Classy Pay. Classy Pay is nonprofit payment processing. Fees vary depending on the type of credit card that is used, but most credit card transactions are processed at 2.2% $0.30 for each transaction.
Crowdfunding sites for musicians and creative projects
8. Kickstarter
Creators seeking funding for particular projects can use the site to bring the project to life. Creators (ranging from individual designers and inventors to large corporations that want to test new product ideas) offer backers rewards, such as a small piece of the project, the first available prototypes, or the products that they are raising money to manufacture. You must raise all the funds you need, or get nothing.
Fees: A service fee of 5%, along with 3% $0.20 per transaction for payment processing. Pledges under $10 have a discounted micropledge fee of 5% $0.05 per pledge. All or nothing.
9. Indiegogo
If you want help at every stage of your creative or entrepreneurial project, this site offers tools to help you get the job done, from pre-launch to crowdfunding and distribution. You can choose either an all-or-nothing fundraising experience or flexible funding.
Fees: Platform fee of 5%, along with 3% $0.20 per transaction for payment processing. They have an international transfer fee of $25 when sending funds to banks outside of the US.
10. Patreon
This platform allows you to build a fundraiser to gather recurring patronage for your art or other creative projects in the form of monthly subscriptions from fans. Patreon encourages users to offer rewards to fans as a way to repay them for their support.
Fees: Patreon offers two different plans: Pro and Premium. The plans take 8% and 12% of the income you earn on Patreon, respectively. In addition to payment processing, currency conversion, and payout fees, and applicable taxes.
Crowdfunding sites for business
11. Fundable
Fundable is just one of the crowdfunding sites for startups, entrepreneurs, and companies to raise capital from the public through business crowdfunding. The site allows users to offer either rewards or equity in return for financial support.
Fees: $179 a month to fundraise, along with 3.5% $0.30 per transaction for merchant processing.
12. WeFunder
If you want to grow your existing business, WeFunder can help you get funded. Your investors receive a small stake in your company, and the platform aims to increase their emotional investment in your success.
Fees: It’s free to start a company profile but they charge a service fee. For Reg CF, there is a 7.5% charge of the total amount raised only if the fundraiser is successful. For Reg A , there is a flat fee of $375k.
13. EquityNet
This equity crowdfunding platform helps entrepreneurs connect with accredited investors to raise capital. EquityNet has a network of over 25,000 investors including venture capitalists and angel groups.
Fees: Subscription models range from “Starter” to “Full Service.” The “Starter” subscription is free, while the “Premium DIY” model costs $299 per month. The “Full Service” option costs $2,990 per month.
14. SeedInvest
As an equity crowdfunding platform, SeedInvest allows startups to raise funds from individual investors and venture capital firms. Entrepreneurs must meet their minimum funding goals before investments are made final.
Fees: They have a 7.5% placement fee with a 5% warrant coverage or equity, plus a $0 to $10,000 fee for escrow, marketing, and legal expense reimbursements.
Real estate crowdfunding sites
15. PeerStreet
This donation website offers private real estate loans from accredited investors. As a testament to its transparency, the site also opens up past investments to review and scrutiny. Loan duration is between six and 24 months, with a loan-to-value ratio usually under 75%.
Fees: 0.25% to 1% servicing fee on the total loan amount.
16. RealCrowd
A crowdfunding site for commercial real estate equity investments, RealCrowd aims to take the middleman out of real estate investing. Accredited investors can browse, compare, and invest.
Fees: They have a base listing fee of $15,000 plus varying investor processing fees.
17. RealtyMogul
This site brings its users together to invest in residential and commercial real estate. Both accredited and non-accredited investors can use the platform. Each investment has a fee that varies depending on whether the investment is a loan or an equity purchase. It is a solid choice as far as real estate crowdfunding sites go.
Fees: The minimum investment is different for every investment, but it can be as low as $5,000.
Niche crowdfunding sites
18. Honeyfund
For engaged couples or newlyweds entering the next stage of life, this crowdfunding site helps raise funds for a wedding, honeymoon, or even the down payment on a new home.
Fees: There are no fees for gift cards. For cash gifts, the money is automatically deposited into your bank or PayPal account for a fee. For a bank account powered by Stripe, the fee is 3.5% $0.59.
19. Slated
Slated is an equity crowdfunding site for movies. This start-to-finish platform helps with funding film projects, finding talent, and distributing the final project. It also provides the option of extended services such as script and financial analysis for an additional cost.
Fees: If you find a distributor or sales agent with Slated’s help, Slated will get a fee of 4% of gross sales plus an “In Association With Slated” front card and end credit.
20. Experiment
A crowdfunding site dedicated to scientific research, Experiment helps researchers raise the funds they need to pursue new discoveries and technology. Backers can review their impact through open access to data and the resulting journal publications.
Fees: Platform fee of 8% with 2.9% $0.30 payment processing fee. They only offer an all-or-nothing fundraising model.
Choose the right crowdfunding platform for your needs
Use this list of the best crowdfunding platforms to find the one that works best for your project or cause. For more crowdfunding inspiration, check out these fundraising tips and ideas. Start your fundraiser today.
如果您想知道“众筹是如何运作的?” 这个概念相当简单:有人发起在线筹款活动来满足财务需求,然后他们的朋友和家人网络为他们的事业捐款。
在开始 筹款活动之前,请浏览众筹平台网站。最好的众筹网站会让您愿意花时间在他们的页面上,了解更多信息并参与其中。如果众筹网站需要复杂的流程才能启动,请选择其他网站。
查看众筹网站提供的社交网络工具。最好的众筹网站拥有易于使用的工具,可以让您轻松地在 Facebook、Instagram、电子邮件等社交媒体上分享您 的 筹款活动。由于社交网络是众筹筹款活动接触受众的重要组成部分,因此此类功能至关重要。
平台费是指众筹网站从您通过筹款活动筹集的资金中收取一定比例的费用。通常,众筹平台的费用在 5% 到 12% 之间。留意惩罚性费用结构。如果您未达到目标,某些平台会增加费用。其他人则采用全有或全无的模式,这意味着您只能根据是否达到或超过目标来收到资金。
1. 捐赠者选择
费用:1.5% 的第三方支付处理费是捐赠者使用的所有支付方式的加权平均费用。信用卡或 PayPal 捐款包含约 2.5% 的费用。该网站不收取平台费,因为运营费用由向非营利组织的自愿捐款支付。
2. 给予校园
GiveCampus 与大学合作,帮助学生、校友、家长和教师为学校相关项目发起筹款活动。筹集的资金直接用于学校本身。他们还提供志愿者管理系统。
费用:学校可以选择按月订阅来使用 GiveCampus。学校可以联系 GiveCampus 获取报价。
Piggybackr 提供了一个学校筹款平台,家长和学生可以为学校项目筹集资金(作为团队或个人)。Piggybackr 为学生的筹款活动提供积分和徽章。
费用:4% 的平台费用,以及每笔交易 2.9% 0.30 美元的支付处理费用。
4. 去资助我
GoFundMe 是一个值得信赖的知名社交筹款平台,面向个人、团队和非营利组织,在全球拥有超过 1 亿的捐赠社区。它是个人筹款的最佳众筹网站之一。已筹集超过 150 亿美元,GoFundMe 提供第一个也是唯一的捐助者保护保证: GoFundMe 捐赠保证。此外,GoFundMe 还拥有一支客户服务团队,为每一步提供客户服务。 在下面的视频中 查看 它的工作原理并阅读诚实的GoFundMe 评论。
费用: 在美国, 启动或管理筹款活动无需支付任何费用。 每次捐赠都会自动扣除 2.9% 的交易费 0.30 美元。了解有关 GoFundMe 定价的更多信息。
费用:个人可以选择筹款模式,组织者无需支付平台费(要求支持者提供可选小费)。组织可以选择“标准”或“专业”模型。“标准”模式需收取 5% 的平台费和支付处理费。“Pro”模式具有灵活的平台费用和支付处理费。
6. 基金
借助 Fundly,个人或非营利组织都可以为各种原因创建数字筹款活动,包括兄弟会和姐妹会、军事和政治。
费用:Fundly没有平台费,只有2.9%的支付处理费加30美分。Stripe 和国际筹款活动的信用卡处理费有所不同。
7. 优雅
Classy 是一个专为非营利组织和社会企业设计的在线筹款网站。该网站配有筹款报告工具,可帮助跟踪筹款进度。另一个网站功能可帮助团队组织虚拟活动,包括票务和活动注册。
费用:该平台没有透露其计划的定价(您可以联系该网站获取报价),但使用 Classy Pay 需要付费。Classy Pay 是非营利性付款处理。费用根据所使用的信用卡类型而有所不同,但大多数信用卡交易的处理费为每笔交易 2.2% 0.30 美元。
费用:5% 的服务费,以及每笔交易 3% 0.20 美元的支付处理费。10 美元以下的质押可享受 5% 的小额质押费用折扣,每次质押 0.05 美元。全有或全无。
9. 独立网站
费用:5% 的平台费用,以及每笔交易 3% 0.20 美元的支付处理费用。向美国境外的银行汇款时,他们需支付 25 美元的国际转账费。
10. 帕特隆
该平台允许您建立筹款活动,以粉丝每月订阅的形式收集对您的艺术或其他创意项目的经常性赞助。Patreon 鼓励用户向粉丝提供奖励,以回报他们的支持。
费用:Patreon 提供两种不同的计划:专业版和高级版。这些计划分别收取您在 Patreon 上赚取的收入的 8% 和 12%。 除了付款处理、货币兑换、支付费用以及适用的税费之外。
11. 可创立
Fundable 只是初创企业、企业家和公司通过商业众筹向公众筹集资金的众筹网站之一。该网站允许用户提供奖励或股权以换取财务支持。
费用:每月 179 美元用于筹款,以及每笔交易的 3.5% 0.30 美元用于商家处理。
12. 资助者
如果您想发展现有业务,WeFunder 可以帮助您获得资金。您的投资者将获得您公司的少量股份,该平台旨在增加他们对您的成功的情感投资。
费用:建立公司简介是免费的,但他们收取服务费。对于 Reg CF,仅在筹款成功的情况下才收取筹集总额的 7.5%。Reg A 的固定费用为 375,000 美元。
13. 股权网
这个股权众筹平台帮助企业家与合格的投资者建立联系以筹集资金。EquityNet 拥有超过 25,000 名投资者的网络,其中包括风险投资家和天使团体。
费用:订阅模式范围从“入门版”到“全套服务”。“Starter”订阅是免费的,而“Premium DIY”模式的费用为每月 299 美元。“全方位服务”选项的费用为每月 2,990 美元。
作为股权众筹平台,SeedInvest 允许初创企业从个人投资者和风险投资公司筹集资金。在最终投资之前,企业家必须达到最低融资目标。
费用:他们收取 7.5% 的配售费和 5% 的认股权证或股权,另加 0 至 10,000 美元的托管费、营销费和法律费用报销费。
15. 皮尔街
该 捐赠网站 提供来自合格投资者的私人房地产贷款。为了证明其透明度,该网站还开放过去的投资以供审查和审查。贷款期限为6至24个月,贷款价值比率通常低于75%。
16. 真实人群
RealCrowd 是一家商业房地产股权投资众筹网站,旨在消除房地产投资中的中间商。合格投资者可以浏览、比较和投资。
费用:他们的基本上市费用为 15,000 美元,外加不同的投资者处理费。
17. 地产大亨
费用:每项投资的最低投资额都不同,但可以低至 5,000 美元。
18. 蜂蜜基金
费用:礼品卡不收取任何费用。对于现金礼物,这笔钱会自动存入您的银行或 PayPal 帐户(需付费)。对于由 Stripe 提供支持的银行账户,费用为 3.5% 0.59 美元。
19. 预定
Slated 是一个电影股权众筹网站。这个从头到尾的平台有助于资助电影项目、寻找人才和分发最终项目。它还提供额外费用的扩展服务选项,例如脚本和财务分析。
费用:如果您在 Slated 的帮助下找到经销商或销售代理,Slated 将收取总销售额 4% 的费用,外加一张“与 Slated 合作”的前置卡和最终积分。
20. 实验
Experiment 是一个致力于科学研究的众筹网站,帮助研究人员筹集追求新发现和新技术所需的资金。支持者可以通过开放获取数据和由此产生的期刊出版物来审查其影响。
费用:8% 的平台费用,其中 2.9% 的支付处理费为 0.30 美元。他们只提供全有或全无的筹款模式。
使用此最佳众筹平台列表来找到最适合您的项目或事业的平台。如需更多众筹灵感,请查看这些 筹款技巧 和 想法。今天开始您的筹款活动。