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发表于 2023-09-11 09:24:13 评论 楼主





1. 数字酋长ERP BI

数字酋长ERP BI 是一款综合性的亚马逊刊登ERP和广告工具,它提供了广告管理、关键字优化、广告自动化和报告等功能,已经刊登工具和ERP的功能。性价比领先同类型软件,还有30天免费试用!

2. Adwokanda


4. PPC Entourage
PPC Entourage专注于亚马逊广告的自动化和优化,它可以帮助您提高广告投资回报率,节省时间和精力。

5. AdBadger
7.Pixelfy  超链元素
8. Feedvisor  大麦广告价格优化




对于那些希望加强亚马逊广告业务的企业来说,Sellozo 是一个强大的竞争者。作为一个复杂的亚马逊广告优化平台,Sellozo 集成了人工智能驱动的自动化,确保企业可以利用数据驱动策略的力量,而无需复杂性。该平台对提高亚马逊销量的承诺是显而易见的,用户在采用该平台后的短短 8 周内就见证了广告利润平均增长了 70%,令人印象深刻。

Sellozo 的与众不同之处在于其无与伦比的自动化功能。该平台的人工智能驱动的亚马逊广告增长套件经过精心设计,旨在扩大销售额、减少不必要的支出并增加利润。这种最先进的技术为企业提供了支持,使他们能够精确地制定广告策略。

“Campaign Studio”功能证明了 Sellozo 以用户为中心的方法。这种包罗万象的 PPC 工具配备了用户友好的拖放界面和自动关键字收获,简化了营销活动创建过程。企业可以快速设计、概述和微调他们的策略,确保他们利用最有效的关键词。

此外,Sellozo 的全面 PPC 管理服务对于那些喜欢将亚马逊广告委托给经验丰富的专业人士的企业来说是一个福音。凭借美国亚马逊专家团队和强大的内部人工智能工具,Sellozo 掌控您的广告策略,使企业能够将注意力转移到其他关键业务上。


  • 人工智能驱动的亚马逊广告优化 
  • 用于 PPC 管理的综合 Campaign Studio 
  • 由美国亚马逊专家进行全面的 PPC 管理 
  • 每小时 ACOS 数据分析的时段策略 
  • 跨各种亚马逊广告类型的全面活动管理 
  • 人工智能技术与人类驱动战略的和谐融合
PPC 营销活动自动化
Campaign Studio 简化了构建复杂的营销活动工作流程
如果我们必须选择某个东西,与 Quicken 等财务管理软件的集成会很好
4.9 颗星,最多 5 颗星
Sellozo 采用人工智能驱动的程序化方法来使用 Amazon Ads 来赢得业务,并附带许多其他商业智能报告工具来完善一个可靠的平台。



如果您是一家正在寻找全面解决方案来发展客户亚马逊业务的代理机构,Pacvue 可能就是您的答案。作为领先的在线零售广告、销售和情报企业服务,Pacvue 将统一的零售分析与采取建议行动所需的工具相结合。借助 Pacvue,在线销售团队可以管理和优化其在亚马逊商店和其他零售环境中的媒体投资的绩效。

Pacvue 脱颖而出的原因之一是它能够利用亚马逊的销售合作伙伴 API提供预测性和规范性建议,帮助代理机构解决客户零售执行中的关键差距。例如,您可以使用 Pacvue 在库存低于您指定的阈值时自动暂停广告活动,并在库存补充时自动恢复广告。

此外,Pacvue 的平台提供端到端媒体规划和执行,让用户能够全面了解自己的决策。您可以创建规则和警报作为广告平台的一部分,以有效管理您的支出,同时还可以优先考虑将产生最大影响的客户业务领域。例如,您可以使用内容审核来快速查看哪些详细信息页面遵循最佳实践并针对广告活动进行了优化,同时优先考虑需要最多工作的页面。


  • 预测性和规范性建议
  • 端到端的媒体策划和执行
  • 自动营销活动创建和优化
BuyBox Tracker 帮助卖家继续成为拥有多个卖家的产品的首选卖家
4.6 颗星,最多 5 颗星
Pacvue Commerce 是业界首个集运营、零售媒体和测量于一体的商务加速平台。



Advigator 是一款功能丰富的亚马逊广告软件解决方案,拥有一系列令人印象深刻的工具和功能,旨在帮助企业在平台上发展。

该平台能够自动执行亚马逊广告中涉及的许多更耗时且繁琐的任务。通过自动管理效果较差的营销活动,用户可以专注于更有效的营销活动并节省时间。此外,Advigator 直观的界面让您只需点击几下即可轻松创建商品推广、展示型推广和品牌推广视频广告系列。

Advigator 的突出功能之一是其广告的产品级管理,它允许用户在广告活动之间共享目标。这不仅简化了广告流程,还确保每日预算在广告活动之间均匀分配,优化效果并减少浪费。

Advigator 强大的关键字管理系统是另一个令人印象深刻的突出功能。系统根据转化率和点击率自动为每个产品找到效果最佳的关键词,从而轻松创建有效的营销活动。该系统从历史报告中过滤出效果最好的关键词,并根据点击率和转化率赞助最相关的关键词,这有助于优化营销活动并带来更好的结果。

最后,Advigator 每次点击出价的自动调整是一项突出功能,使其与许多其他亚马逊广告软件解决方案区分开来。系统根据售价、转化率和用户的 ACoS 目标调整每个关键字的每次点击出价,确保将出价设置在最佳点,以最大限度地提高转化次数,同时接近用户的 ACoS 目标。此功能非常有用,因为它允许用户通过更改 ACoS 目标从可见性策略切换到盈利策略。


  • 自动识别效果最佳的关键词
  • 根据售价、转化率和 ACoS 目标自动调整每次点击出价
  • 广告产品级管理



Perpetua 是一种 Amazon PPC 自动化和智能解决方案,可帮助广告商最大限度地提高其亚马逊广告收入。该软件提供了一系列功能,从自动关键字发现和迁移到出价自动化,旨在简化和优化亚马逊 PPC 营销活动的管理。

Perpetua 的一个突出功能是它能够自动进行关键词收集和出价,这可以节省时间并带来更高的广告支出回报 (ROAS)。该软件还允许用户通过在正确的时间对最有可能转化的关键字进行正确的出价来跟踪广告活动绩效并优化利润结果,以达到其目标 ACOS。

Perpetua 提供一系列工具和报告来帮助用户跟踪和分析他们的 Amazon PPC 性能。该软件的可定制企业级报告使用户可以一目了然地了解他们的业务和产品在其类别中的表现。其自动化功能、绩效跟踪和富有洞察力的报告使其成为市场上最好的亚马逊广告解决方案之一。


  • 快速访问重要信息
  • 关键词收获
  • PPC自动化



Ad Badger 是一款出色的Amazon PPC营销活动管理工具,可以让希望增加亚马逊销售额的企业受益匪浅。凭借其用户友好的界面和强大的人工智能算法,Ad Badger 使广告活动优化和管理变得轻而易举。

Ad Badger 的主要优势之一是能够自动执行出价管理、发现否定关键字以及使用机器学习算法监控广告系列效果。这种自动化功能可以节省宝贵的时间和资源,同时简化营销活动,使企业能够专注于其核心竞争力。

对于管理多个亚马逊账户的广告企业来说,Ad Badger 的多账户管理功能改变了游戏规则。它使代理机构能够在客户帐户之间快速切换,并在一个平台上有效管理所有活动。


  • 使用机器学习算法监控活动绩效
  • 机构多账户管理功能
  • 用户友好的界面



Skai™ 是一款全面的亚马逊广告软件解决方案,提供先进的功能来帮助品牌提高销售额、扩大市场份额并提高亚马逊的投资回报率。该平台提供一系列优化、分析和自动化解决方案,使企业能够释放数据智能并增加话语权。

Skai™ 的零售媒体解决方案提供了一系列功能来帮助品牌在亚马逊上获胜,包括自动关键词收集以扩大覆盖范围、在 ROAS 最高时进行时段投资,以及基于规则的优化以消除手动任务。该平台还允许用户监控和优化付费和自然的语音份额,分析活动中的产品级性能,并通过交互式仪表板和可视化进行实时实验。

此外,Skai™ 还提供对亚马逊国际商城、算法出价和预算优化、付费搜索和付费社交活动的亚马逊归因自动化以及高级报告和分析的支持。借助 Skai™,品牌可以在一个平台上管理其全渠道亚马逊广告,包括亚马逊 DSP、亚马逊赞助品牌、亚马逊展示型赞助和亚马逊赞助产品。


  • 解锁数据智能
  • 通过自动关键词努力捕捉需求
  • 基于规则的优化



随着应用内代理合作伙伴目录的推出,Teikametrics 为其3,000 家亚马逊商家提供了访问预先验证的电子商务服务提供商的机会,这些服务提供商具有内容管理、技术支持和社交媒体购买等互补的专业领域。该公司已经审查了数字营销公司、解决方案集成商和其他具有广泛电子商务专业知识和行业重点的机构。

Teikametrics 采用尖端的人工智能技术和无与伦比的大规模数据访问来优化 Amazon 和 Walmart.com 超过 70 亿美元的年销售额。值得信赖的代理合作伙伴列表的推出为 Teikametrics 的客户提供了进入经过审查的数字营销公司、解决方案集成商和其他具有广泛电子商务专业知识以及地理和行业重点的机构的专业网络的独家机会。

使用该目录的合作伙伴将通过专用门户访问 Teikametrics 不断增长的由数千名电子商务卖家组成的社区,以跟踪销售线索、管理客户沟通并发展业务。这确保了获准纳入目录的代理机构将能够访问 Teikametrics 的亚马逊卖家社区。


  • 库存管理和预测
  • 广告活动自动化和优化
  • 产品层面盈利能力分析
  • 自动关键词出价管理

8.卖家实验室 Ignite


Ignite 为为多个客户管理广告的广告代理商和顾问提供了一个强大的平台。

Ignite 的主要优势之一是其先进的算法技术,它允许卖家就其广告活动做出数据驱动的决策。该软件的专有技术会自动分析广告数据,以深入了解哪些关键字、产品和营销活动最有效,从而使用户能够优化其广告支出以获得最大的投资回报率。

Ignite 还提供各种营销活动管理工具,包括可定制的仪表板、详细报告和自动出价。这些功能可以轻松监控性能、跟踪关键指标并根据需要进行调整以获得更好的结果。

Ignite 的另一个突出功能是其处理大量数据的能力,使其成为拥有多个 SKU 和大批量销售的企业的理想解决方案。该软件的可扩展性和灵活性确保它能够跟上不断发展的企业的需求。

最后,Ignite 提供出色的客户支持,其专家团队可以帮助用户充分利用该软件。


  • 自动化批量操作和工作流程
  • 库存管理和预测
  • 竞争对手基准测试和分析
  • 可定制的活动规则和警报



Jungle Scout 是一套全面的亚马逊卖家工具,其中包括一个广告管理平台,旨在帮助代理商有效管理其在电子商务平台上的广告活动。

Jungle Scout 的突出功能之一是其强大的关键字研究工具,该工具使代理机构能够为其活动找到高性能的关键字。该工具使用真实的亚马逊搜索数据来提供准确且相关的结果,并有助于创建高度针对性的活动,以推动流量和销售。

除了关键字研究功能外,Jungle Scout 还提供先进的绩效跟踪功能,使代理机构能够实时监控其营销活动的成功情况。这些功能包括广告展示次数、点击次数、转化次数和其他关键指标的数据,可帮助代理机构优化其广告活动并增加销售额。

Jungle Scout 的与众不同之处在于其直观的界面,易于导航和使用。这使得它成为具有不同水平的亚马逊广告活动管理经验的代理机构的绝佳选择,因为它简化了活动管理流程并允许代理机构专注于推动结果。


  • 用于实时监控的高级性能跟踪
  • 自动出价和营销活动优化工具
  • 批量编辑功能

10. PPC随行人员

PPC 随行人员

PPC Entourage 有助于增加销量和最大化利润,同时降低广告销售成本 (ACOS)。该软件加载了全面的分析和关键绩效指标,为用户提供可操作的见解,以做出更好的决策。

PPC Entourage 的一个重要亮点是其强大的销售驱动自动化工具。该软件通过提供经过验证的亚马逊 PPC 策略来帮助消除猜测,这些策略有助于优化广告活动、控制出价并删除浪费广告支出的搜索词。借助此工具,卖家可以节省无数时间,并使用 Bulk Engine 同时管理所有广告活动,该功能只需单击一个按钮即可优化多个广告活动和广告组。

PPC Entourage 还具有全新的智能试点,使广告优化和扩展变得容易。自动化模板可以在不到 15 秒的时间内应用于多个广告系列,并且广告类型之间的通信和自动化得到增强,有助于更快地扩展。


PPC Entourage 还包括 Margins Profit Maximizer,该工具可以揭示蚕食亚马逊利润的隐藏成本,并提供可操作的步骤来收回现金。该工具可以轻松发现并深入挖掘某些 SKU 或营销活动盈利能力或多或少的原因。

PPC Entourage 已经过众多卖家的试用和测试,他们体验到了该软件的优势,包括它如何节省他们的时间并优化他们的营销活动,甚至在国际市场上也是如此。该软件还消除了处理电子表格的麻烦,并提供卓越的客户支持。


  • 全面的分析和关键绩效指标
  • 用于自动化的智能试点工具
  • 国际层面的活动优化

11. Zon.Tools


Zon.Tools 是最后但并非最不重要的亚马逊广告软件解决方案,适合所有亚马逊卖家,包括 Merch by Amazon。Zon.Tools 由专有的 AI 技术提供支持,可自动执行营销活动,节省您的时间,并有助于提高销售额和盈利能力。它提供与亚马逊广告相关的各种功能,例如启动和优化 PPC 活动、列表广告和搜索结果广告的能力。Zon.Tools 还允许您通过智能自动化将您的 PPC 置于自动驾驶仪上,并使用其 PPC AI 引擎将您最好的产品变成最畅销的产品。

Zon.Tools 与其他亚马逊广告工具的不同之处在于,它能够通过展示型推广、品牌推广和产品推广广告向高意向买家展示您的产品,从而帮助您在亚马逊上拥有最好的空间。它还可以帮助您将产品广告直接放置在竞争对手的列表上,通过防御性活动保护您的列表,并在您自己的列表上交叉推广您的产品组合。


  • 人工智能技术可实现营销活动的自动化和优化
  • 竞争对手列表的列表内广告
  • 自动驾驶仪与智能自动化
  • PPC人工智能引擎将最好的产品变成最畅销的产品

  • 推荐关键词软件2
  • #1 商品罐

    想要快速启动您的亚马逊广告活动并增加销售额吗?Merch Jar是顶级的亚马逊广告 PPC AI 工具之一,它使在亚马逊上做广告变得轻而易举。它允许您管理和自动化您的广告活动,以便您可以专注于扩展您的亚马逊业务。



    自动出价管理:告别手动电子表格出价和亚马逊的批量表。相反,可以使用智能出价在 ACoS 较低时自动提高关键字出价,在 ACoS 较高时降低目标出价,在展示次数较低时提高关键字出价,并在广告无利可图时暂停广告。

    支持的市场:在所有可访问 API 的广告国家/地区使用该软件。


    开始使用 Merch Jar 并享受无限制地访问该工具的整套功能。每月只需​​支付50 美元,即可每月赚取 2,000 美元的广告支出。 



    • 用户友好的工具
    • 简化亚马逊 PPC 广告
    • 让用户完全控制广告活动
    • 让亚马逊广告盈利
    • 30 天免费试用


    • 相对较新的软件

    #2 Zon.Tools

    Zon.Tools是一款一体化亚马逊 PPC 平台,让亚马逊卖家和 Merch by Amazon 能够通过其专有的 AI 技术自动化营销活动并增加销售额。该软件会自动持续优化 PPC 广告活动,为您的业务腾出更多时间。 


    • 出价引擎:让应用程序自动调整您的目标出价,以提高您的销售额,同时优化您的广告支出。
    • Explorer Engine:通过允许该工具探索高转化关键词、搜索词和 ASIN(亚马逊标准识别码),有机地扩大您的覆盖范围
    • 优化引擎:监控广告系列效果,以增加高转化关键字和搜索词的广告支出。


    ZonTools 提供三种定价包: Analyzer(9 美元)、Masterer(19 美元)和 Dominator(25 美元)。这些是按月订阅,每个订阅提供 30 天 1 美元的试用。 



    • 短语匹配引擎可用
    • 用户友好的仪表板
    • 前 30 天试用 1 美元


    • 严格意义上的 PPC 工具

    #3 PPC 随行人员

    PPC Entourage是亚马逊广告和 PPC 软件,使用户能够自动化和扩展他们的广告,而无需电子表格。借助其功能,您可以控制出价、删除增加广告成本的搜索词并提高投资回报率。


    • 批量引擎:优化多个广告系列和广告组,无需上传文件或电子表格。有效管理出价、搜索词、预算和展示位置,以提高 PPC。
    • 智能试点:在几秒钟内在多个广告活动中使用自动化模板
    • 关键绩效指标:通过分析点击次数、ACoS 等广告指标,做出更快、更好的决策。


    该软件的定价取决于您想要在广告上花费多少,即预算的 2.9%。对于广告支出:

    • 每月 400 美元意味着您每月支付 11.60 美元
    • 每月 3.100 美元意味着您每月支付 89.90 美元



    • 使用简单并显示结果
    • 直观地分析数据
    • 节省用户时间和金钱


    • 广告管理需要改进

    #4 氦气 10

    Helium 10是一个平台,为亚马逊 FBA 和沃尔玛卖家提供一套工具,用于研究关键词、管理和销售产品、优化列表以及自动化亚马逊 PPC 活动。您可以使用其功能来制定销售策略并密切关注您的业绩。


    • 产品研究:使用数据评估产品可行性并增加销售机会。
    • 洞察仪表板:通过集中仪表板分析关键指标,快速掌握业务绩效。获取人工智能生成的建议来调整您的在线业务策略。
    • 关键字策略:找到最有效的关键字来优化您的列表和亚马逊广告。


    您可以通过从以下定价计划中进行选择来开始使用 Helium 10 

    • 入门版每月 39 美元
    • 白金卡每月 99 美元
    • 钻石每月 279 美元



    • 它为亚马逊卖家提供了多种有用的工具
    • 使用简单快捷
    • 教程视频清楚地解释了应用程序的功能


    • 票务管理需要改进
    • Chrome 扩展存在一些技术故障




    • 数据分析和卖家工具:跟踪产品、广告、市场和财务分析,以优化列表并改进有机搜索。
    • 连接和集成:自动将您的电子商务数据从亚马逊同步到任何商业智能工具。
    • Amazon AI Advisor:接收自动建议,以增强广告活动和自然搜索优化。





    • 清晰且直观易懂的关键字跟踪器
    • 可操作且有组织的数据
    • 易于阅读的报告


    • 关键词标签需要改进
    • 优质定价计划

    是时候征服您的亚马逊广告 PPC 营销活动了

    亚马逊广告 PPC AI 工具是您营销策略不可或缺的一部分。他们自动执行关键词研究和出价,以优化您的广告活动并提高销量。它们的巧妙功能可帮助您简化日常任务(例如亚马逊广告管理),以提高您的投资回报率。 

    需要征服您的亚马逊广告 PPC 活动吗?尝试 Merch Jar,广告 PPC AI 软件。我们的工具为您提供一系列特性和功能,例如自动出价、关键字优化和详细报告。 

  • 22 个最佳亚马逊 PPC 软件工具(2023 年评论和定价)

    1. Pacvue

    Pacvue is a full suite Advertising tool that is designed to help users manage and optimize their advertising campaigns on Amazon. It was recently acquired by Assembly.

    One of the main features of Pacvue is its ability to create custom rules for managing and optimizing advertising campaigns. These rules allow users to specify the parameters and criteria for their campaigns, such as the keywords to target, the budget to allocate, and the target audience to reach. Pacvue then uses these rules to automate the process of creating and managing campaigns based on the user's specified parameters.

    Pacvue is most popular

    Pacvue is known for its specialized reports and its ability to help users find new opportunities for advertising. It provides data and insights on target keywords and ASINs, which can be helpful for identifying new products and niches to target.

    Pacvue is an expensive tool, with pricing starting at $500 per month, and it also takes a percentage of advertising revenue. It is primarily geared towards large businesses and professional advertisers and may not be suitable for smaller or casual sellers.

    2. Skai (Kenshoo)

    Skai is a software tool that is designed to help users manage and optimize their advertising campaigns on platforms such as Amazon, Google, and Bing. It is known for its advanced features and flexible automation capabilities, as well as its ability to create custom rules for managing campaigns.

    One of the main features of Skai is its range of experiments and automated program audits, which allow users to test different ad strategies and optimize their campaigns in real-time. These features can be helpful for identifying which ads are performing well and which are not, and for making adjustments to improve the performance of campaigns.

    Skai (Kenshoo) helps users perform on big platforms

    Skai also offers flexible automation capabilities that allow users to customize their campaigns and choose which aspects of the process to automate. This can be useful for optimizing campaigns and streamlining the advertising process.

    Skai is a relatively expensive tool, with pricing starting at $800 per month, and it also takes a percentage of ad spend after advertising more than $10k per month. It is geared towards large businesses and professional advertisers, and may not be suitable for smaller or casual sellers. Overall, Skai is a powerful and feature-rich tool that can be useful for anyone looking to manage and optimize their advertising campaigns on Amazon and other platforms.

    3. SmartScout

    SmartScout provides data on PPC rankings and conversion rates

    SmartScout does not automate advertising campaigns, but rather provides data and insights that can be useful for identifying opportunities and making informed decisions about how to optimize campaigns.

    One of the main features of SmartScout is its ability to show users the win rates of their competitors' advertising campaigns, as well as the keywords they are targeting. This can be helpful for identifying areas where you may be able to gain a competitive advantage and for adjusting your own campaigns accordingly.

    SmartScout also provides data on product rankings over time and keyword conversion rates, which can be useful for identifying trends and patterns in consumer behavior and for optimizing campaigns to increase sales and conversions.

    4. Quartile

    Quartile is known for its advanced artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, which allow it to divide every keyword into its own campaign and optimize the keyword rank boosts.

    One of the main features of Quartile is its unique campaign structure, which allows it to fully optimize the performance of each keyword. This can be helpful for improving the visibility and ranking of different products and keywords, and for driving more traffic and sales to your products.

    Quartile is known for their AI tools

    However, the fact that Quartile divides every keyword into its own campaign can also be a drawback, as it can lead to a large number of campaigns and may be difficult to manage for some users.

    The price for entry is $895 and up to $10k. Serious price for a serious tool.

    5. Zon.Tools

    zon.tools is known for their user friendly interface

    zon.tools is a software tool that is designed to help users manage and optimize their advertising campaigns on Amazon. It is an all-in-one PPC (pay-per-click) platform that offers a range of features and tools for launching and scaling profitable campaigns.

    One of the main features of zon.tools is its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy to create and manage campaigns. It also offers the ability to do manual bulk optimization across multiple campaigns, which can be useful for optimizing the performance of different products and keywords.

    However, zon.tools does not currently allow for dayparting or dynamic campaign bidding, which are advanced features that can help users optimize their campaigns based on the time of day or other factors.

    6. Teikametrics

    Teikametrics is a software tool that is designed to help users manage and optimize their advertising campaigns on platforms such as Amazon, Google, and Bing. It is known for its advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, which allow it to analyze data and make informed decisions about how to optimize campaigns.

    One of the main features of Teikametrics is its ability to show users why it made certain bid changes and other optimizations to their campaigns. This can be helpful for understanding the reasoning behind different decisions and for making informed adjustments to optimize the performance of campaigns.

    teikametrics has a team to help you make decisions

    Teikametrics is also known for its managed service, which allows users to have their campaigns managed and optimized by a team of experts. This can be useful for those who do not have the time or expertise to manage their own campaigns, or for those who want to take a more hands-off approach to advertising.

    The tool is now free for brand new sellers and 3% of ad sales for large advertisers.

    7. Perpetua

    Perpetua is a tool has a easy to use interface

    Perpetua is a paid tool that is designed to help businesses create and manage Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns. PPC is a form of online advertising in which advertisers pay each time a user clicks on one of their ads. Perpetua is intended to make it easier for businesses to create and manage PPC campaigns on Amazon, with features like keyword research, bid management, and ad optimization.

    Perpetua's user interface is designed to be easy to use, with intuitive navigation and clear instructions to help users accomplish their goals. The tool also offers features specifically designed for scaling video advertisements, such as the ability to create and manage sponsored video campaigns and track the performance of video ads.

    8. PPC Entourage

    PPC Entourage offers keyword harvesting

    PPC Entourage is a paid tool that is designed to help businesses create and manage Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns. As you mentioned, PPC Entourage is a rule-based platform, which means that it uses pre-defined rules to automatically optimize and manage PPC campaigns. This can be a useful feature for businesses that want to save time on campaign management, but it may also have some limitations for those who want more control or flexibility in their campaign strategies.

    One potential advantage of PPC Entourage is that it offers keyword harvesting, which is the process of finding and collecting relevant keywords for use in PPC campaigns. This can be a helpful feature for businesses that are looking to expand their reach on Amazon by targeting new keywords.

    PPC Entourage is offered on a subscription basis, with pricing at 2.9% of Ad Spend. As with any tool, it is important to consider the features and cost of PPC Entourage in relation to your business needs and budget to determine if it is a good fit for you.

    9. Ad Badger

    Ad Badger's PPC Power Ratio

    Ad Badger offers both artificial intelligence (AI) and custom rules for advertising, which gives users the option to choose the level of automation and control they want in their campaigns. The tool's AI feature is designed to optimize campaigns using machine learning algorithms, while the custom rules feature allows users to set specific criteria for their campaigns and have the tool automatically adjust bids and budgets accordingly.

    Ad Badger also has its own custom metric called PPC Power Ratio, which is a measure of how aggressively a user is testing new ads. This metric is intended to help users track the performance of their campaigns and make informed decisions about how to allocate their advertising budgets.

    In addition to its PPC tool, Ad Badger also offers a podcast on advertising on Amazon, which may be a useful resource for businesses looking to learn more about this topic.

    10. Downstream

    Downstream is owned by Jungle Scout

    Downstream is now run by the fine folk of Jungle Scout. One of the features of Downstream is target harvesting, which is the process of finding and collecting relevant keywords and product targets for use in PPC campaigns. You’re going to want this to grow you keyword base of profitable terms to advertise on.

    Downstream also offers artificial intelligence (AI) bid optimization and custom rules for advertising, which gives users the option to choose the level of automation and control they want in their campaigns. The tool's AI feature is designed to optimize campaigns using machine learning algorithms, while the custom rules feature allows users to set specific criteria for their campaigns and have the tool automatically adjust bids and budgets accordingly. It is worth noting that Downstream does not currently offer AI for sponsored display ads.

    Downstream is a more expensive tool, with pricing starting at $1,000 per month.

    11. SellerApp

    Sellerapp offers advertising optimization

    While SellerApp does offer some features related to advertising optimization, it is primarily focused on product research and analysis, rather than creating and managing Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns.

    Some of the features that SellerApp offers for advertising optimization include keyword research, ad performance tracking, and ad targeting recommendations. These features may be helpful for businesses looking to improve the performance of their PPC campaigns, but they may not offer the same level of functionality as dedicated PPC management tools.

    12. IntentWise

    Intentwise is a paid tool that is designed to help businesses create and manage Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns. Intentwise offers a range of features for optimizing and automating PPC campaigns, including keyword target harvesting and negative keyword management. Keyword target harvesting is the process of finding and collecting relevant keywords for use in PPC campaigns, while negative keyword management is the process of identifying and excluding irrelevant keywords from your campaigns to improve targeting and reduce wasted spend.

    Intentwise accelerates your PPC growth

    Intentwise has also introduced dayparting to its advertising features, which allows users to schedule their ads to run at specific times of the day or week. This can be a useful feature for businesses that want to target specific audiences or optimize their ad spend based on the time of day.

    Intentwise is offered on a subscription basis, with pricing starting at $499 per month and going up to 2 percent of your advertising spend, depending on the plan you choose. It is important to consider the features and cost of any PPC tool in relation to your business needs and budget to determine if it is a good fit for you. It may also be helpful to research and compare different options to get a better understanding of the options available and the pros and cons of each.

    13. Helium 10 Adtomic

    Adtomic is Helium 10's version of PPC management

    Helium 10 Adtomic is a paid tool for creating and managing Amazon Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns that is included with a subscription to Helium 10, a product research and optimization tool for Amazon sellers. Adtomic is a newer tool and may not offer as many features as some of the more established PPC management tools. However, it may be a good fit for businesses that already use Helium 10 and want to incorporate PPC management into their workflow.

    Adtomic offers a range of features for optimizing and automating PPC campaigns, including keyword research, bid management, and ad optimization. It also integrates with other Helium 10 tools, such as Black Box and Cerebro, to provide additional insights and data for improving PPC performance.

    14. Trellis

    Trellis offers advanced machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) for optimizing and automating PPC campaigns at a relatively low cost, with pricing starting at $99 per month. This may make it a good option for businesses that are looking for budget-friendly tools with advanced AI capabilities.

    Trellis offers advanced AI machine learning

    However, it is worth noting that Trellis does not allow users to set custom rules for their campaigns. This means that users must rely on the tool's AI algorithms to optimize and manage their campaigns, rather than being able to specify their own criteria or preferences. This may be a limitation for businesses that want more control over their campaigns or that have specific strategies in mind.

    15. BidX

    BidX offers a range of features for optimizing and automating PPC campaigns, including the ability to do manual bulk optimization across multiple campaigns at once. This can be a useful feature for businesses that want to make changes to multiple campaigns at the same time, rather than having to make changes one campaign at a time.

    BidX creates custom reports for your business

    BidX also offers the ability to create custom reports that include data from scraped pages. This can be a helpful feature for businesses that want to track and analyze specific data points or trends related to their PPC campaigns.

    BidX is offered on a subscription basis, with pricing starting at $149 per month.

    16. AdBrew

    AdBrew offers a range of features for optimizing and automating PPC campaigns, including the ability to create bulk campaigns. This can be a useful feature for businesses that want to create and launch multiple campaigns at the same time, rather than having to create and launch them one at a time.

    Goal focused PPC is what AdBrew brings to the table

    AdBrew also has a unique view that allows users to see the rankings achieved from their ad spend, as well as a share of voice view that helps users understand how their campaigns are performing relative to their competitors. These features may be helpful for businesses that want to track and analyze the performance of their PPC campaigns in detail.

    17. FeedVisor

    Feedvisor uses machine learning to customize your PPC strategy

    Feedvisor uses machine learning to optimize and automate PPC campaigns, and offers a range of features for improving campaign performance, such as keyword research and profitability tracking. These features may be helpful for businesses that want to expand their reach on Amazon and optimize their ad spend.

    Feedvisor is a more expensive tool, with pricing starting at $1,500 per month.

    18. MarinOne

    MarinOne is a new tool that has created competition

    Marin One is a newer tool that has focused on catching up with more established competitors in terms of features and functionality. The tool offers a range of features for optimizing and automating PPC campaigns, including bid management and dayparting, which allows users to schedule their ads to run at specific times of the day or week.

    Marin One is a more expensive tool, with pricing starting at $2,000 per month.

    19. Sellozo

    Sellozo is an affordable tool

    Sellozo was recently acquired by NetRush, and offers a range of features for optimizing and automating PPC campaigns at an affordable price, with plans starting at $149 per month. Sellozo's features include the ability to choose from pre-built campaign structures, such as auto-exact and auto-broad-exact, and to set up harvesting connections between campaigns in one go.

    20. Kaspien

    Kaspien is a large part of Amazon selling

    Kaspien Advertising is part of a larger Amazon seller and may not have invested as much in its product as some other PPC management tools. However, it is still a robust tool for many use cases, and offers a range of features for optimizing and automating PPC campaigns, including the use of artificial intelligence (AI).

    Kaspien Advertising is offered on a subscription basis, with pricing starting at $99 per month.

    The Difference Between AI Driven Tools and Rule Based Tools

    What is better? AI tools or Rule based tools?

    Rule-based advertising tools and AI-based advertising tools are two different types of tools that are used to create and manage advertising campaigns on platforms such as Google and Amazon.

    Rule-based advertising tools are based on a set of predetermined rules or algorithms that are used to automate the process of creating and managing advertising campaigns. These tools allow users to set specific parameters for their campaigns, such as the keywords to target, the budget to allocate, and the target audience to reach. The tool then uses these rules to create and manage the campaigns automatically, based on the user's specified parameters.

    AI-based advertising tools, on the other hand, use artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to analyze data and optimize advertising campaigns in real-time. These tools are designed to learn and adapt to changes in consumer behavior and market conditions, and can make decisions about which ads to show and to whom, based on the data they collect. AI-based advertising tools can be more flexible and responsive than rule-based tools, but may also require more setup and management to ensure that they are effective.

