正规流程: 1.商标备案,这种的话到时提供备案商标、备案网站、产品asin和图片、发票、采购合同、物流单号、UPC号在后台投诉跟卖者。如果跟卖次数多,以跟卖产品缺陷让亚马逊锁listing.商标备案后举报跟卖入口:打开,进去举报违规,选择相应国家,举报被跟卖asin,选择被跟卖的对手价格(店铺,不要选错自己的价格举报自己了),最后输入注册品牌的联系信息。case完成,这个是概率性的,等客服审核。 2.给对方发A-TO-Z,测试购买,这个可以找中介帮你实现,自己找国外朋友购买后拍出产品缺陷或质量问题后进行投诉,这个具有人为性质。 3.发警告信,附件附上商标备案书。如通用的警告信模板: 警告跟卖模板 1.自己品牌名称----Brand A( 授权之品牌名称或是已注册之品牌名称) 2.对方(卖家) 品牌名称----Brand B( 您要投诉之对象名称或是品牌名称) Dear “卖家”, It has come to our attention that “Brand B ” is using the " Brand A " trademark without license or prior written authorization from " Brand A ". " Brand A " holds federal trademark registrations in the United States. So “Brand B ” listings violate " Brand A "trademark and intellectual property rights. You are also in breach of Amazon’s Participation Agreement. Therefore, we demand that you immediately remove all listings on in which “Brand B ”utilizes our trademarks and images protected by copyright. “Brand B ” currently has at least one listing on for products that utilize “Brand A’s” trademarks and/or copyrights without authorization. See the following ASIN:(写自己的ASIN) " Brand A " is the only entity authorized to provide authorization to sell its products on Your listing constitutes a violation of " Brand A's " trademark rights, copyrights, and Amazon’s Participation Agreement. “Brand B ” 's infringing listings must be removed immediately to prevent damage to " Brand A " brand and lost sales. While " Brand A " has many options available under this state. But we would prefer to resolve this matter amicably. Please confirm to us inwriting within 24 hours, that you have: (1) Removed all of " Brand A’s " trademarks and copyright material from your listings and any other website orpublic display you operate; (2) Removed all of " Brand A’s " listings of products it claims to be associated with " Brand A’s ", including but not limited to theASINs listed above. Failure to take action within 24 hours will force us to report this serious violation to the Amazon seller performance team. This is licensed products to as well, Amazon seller performance team will take such violations very seriously, possibly resulting in removal of your selling privileges on Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please contact us if you have any questions. Legal on behalf of " Brand A " 以上总共分为三大重点首先写出了自己的品牌权利,而后将跟卖卖家之侵权行为做再次强调,最后请侵权卖家立即把所有产品移除。 此模板为完整申诉版,各位守规举之卖家可自行调整段落内容长短!
4.通过店铺名查询出对方的地址和电话,直接进行谈判沟通。 5.产品包装和附件定期更换,描述定期更换,比如体现产品某方面特征优点及售后服务。品牌名,服务期限,送的外盒包装和配件产品都写着listing里面和图片里面,不定期增加和更换配件产品和外盒包装,如果被跟卖后购买对方的几个产品,再以货不对版进行投诉即可。 6.加入防跟卖计划之Transparency透明计划服务或者独家计划,详情参照链接:和 7.加入零计划 8.加入Brand Gating计划 9.反跟卖、反buy to z测试-限购 想知道更多防跟卖方法及店铺黑科技养号方法加百晓生分析师微信 3339014365进群交流分享 非正规流程: 1.用买家账号刷对方pindin,很多个买家账号和假的信用卡大量购买对方的。不过现在假信用卡不行了。后面就全用的真信用卡和大量账号将对方的购买完。如果对方购物车没限购,那么你一个账号和信用卡就可以将对方的全买空。然后发货后大批退货。不过这招限制性目前越来越多。 2.找中介(系统刷单公司之类)大量买家账号邮件发给对方,导致对方系统后台崩溃。大量邮件降低对方工作效率,俗称邮件轰炸。 3.找中介或者自己进行A-TO-Z,买出对方产品后毁坏后投诉产品问题,或者找出产品与原产品的区别进行投诉。 4.找中介帮你大量购买对方产品,然后退货。 5.如何赶跟卖?赶跟卖超级有效-被人跟卖了或者listing被别人合并了,如何警告让对方拆掉拿回来?学员真实成功实例-2999个积分 附:UPC的秘密:UPC与EAN区别及渠道 渠道一:亚马逊指定官网 正规自己公司的,可以在www.gs1us.org进行查询是否正规,13位GTIN码用于北美,EAN12位用于欧洲,GTIN是全球贸易项目代码(Global Trade Item Number),这种编码叫EAN/UCC-14代码结构,对应ITF-14条码。它的编码规则是单品的EAN/UCC-13代码加包装指示符。具体解释如下: 产品的UPC码是8 12751 00850 7要先变成EAN-13代码,方法是直接在前面加一位数字0:产品的EAN代码就是0 812751 008507 同种产品不同的包装形式,其外箱条码即可在EAN-13的基础上,前面加一位包装指示符,既可以区别不同的包装级别(大箱套小箱),也可以区别不同的包装类型(纸箱、塑料箱),还可以区别不同的包装数量(20件一箱、40件一箱),包装指示的数字由1-8。 渠道二:条码生成器,免费的,风险大。 渠道三:中国商品条码系统 制造业:3000元 2年,集团:4000元元2年,贸易公司5000R元2年,申请2-3周。渠道四:购买的第三方公司申请的UPC条形码) 大家需要品牌授权书、品牌备案操作步骤或亚马孙申诉各站点邮箱与日常客服邮件回复模版、差评处理模版 -  